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Considering the Path of a 
Certified Experience Guide

If you see the Purpose and Vision of the project and feel called to be part of our solution: 

Join us in the mission of The Harmonetiks Project and champion a transformative journey towards healing and self-regulation. Take the path where you become a beacon of hope to those who have served us so well and now suffer because of that service. 

Help us in the efforts of working with individuals and groups so that we can share the experience with them as they follow the same path of discovery of how this fusion of ancient medicine and modern neuroscience science can help them to find health, healing and harmony within.

Help others discover their own minimum effective dose of the easy breath.

An ideal Experience Guide for The Harmonetiks Project would embody a combination of compassion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth and the well-being of others.

This individual should possess:

  1. Empathy:

    • An innate ability to understand and share the feelings of others, crucial for connecting with those who have experienced trauma and guiding them towards healing.

  2. Knowledgeable:

    • A solid understanding of the principles of Harmonetiks, polyvagal theory, and mind-body wellness practices.

  3. Communicative:

    • ​​Excellent communication skills to effectively teach, inspire, and convey complex concepts in an accessible way.

  4. Adaptive:

    • ​The ability to adapt to various learning styles and environments, ensuring the accessibility and inclusivity of the program.

  5. Patient:

    • Patience to support individuals through their healing process, recognizing that recovery and learning occur at different paces for each person.

  6. Inspirational:

    • A role model who demonstrates the benefits of the program through their own practice and behavior, inspiring others through example.

  7. Resilient:

    • The strength to navigate and teach others to manage the stresses of modern life while maintaining personal balance and emotional well-being.

  8. Ethical:

    1. A strong moral compass to lead with integrity, fostering trust and safety within the community.

  9. Resourceful:

    • The creativity to utilize available resources effectively and to think outside the box when facing challenges.

  10. Life-Long Learner:

    1. A commitment to ongoing personal and professional development to stay at the forefront of wellness practices.

This combination of skills ensures that an Experience Guide can not only teach Harmonetiks effectively but also embody the program’s core values, creating a ripple effect of wellness in communities around the world.

By taking on this role you will not only become one of the key players in the propagation of Harmonetiks, but will also become integral members of a global movement towards healing and wellness.

You will have the opportunity to forge meaningful connections, develop leadership skills, and make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and the well-being of their communities.

One last thought on


We also want you to know that we are committed to doing things in a win-win orientation.

What does this mean to you the guide? 


The Harmonetiks Project Founding team knows it can't be done alone so we want you to know that your efforts would be appreciated, and not just in thoughts and words of thanks. We have built into our business plan a way for your effective help and participation in helping us help others includes the potential for remuneration for your efforts. Please reach out to us to learn more about that potential. 

Discover how you can join the project?

Tai Chi

As a friend of Harmonetiks, you'll support a vital mission: helping veterans heal and positively influence society. Together, we can transform lives, fostering strength and understanding.

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Step into a role that transcends being a Friend; become an Ambassador with the Harmonetiks Project. Become a champion in a movement dedicated to enhancing well-being, resilience, and holistic health across the veteran community and beyond. 

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Embrace a path of profound transformation and service by becoming a Veteran Guide in the Easy Breath Program of the Harmonetiks Project. This unique opportunity allows you to harness the power of your experiences, turning them into a source of strength and healing for both yourself and others. 

Join the Project as a Friend! 

Keep up with The Harmonetiks Project's progress, what we are doing, and how to help.

Thanks for submitting!

Donate to The Harmonetiks Project

Established in 2023 as a 501C3 nonprofit organization,
The Harmonetiks Project endeavors to be a beacon of hope and healing for veterans grappling with physical and mental health challenges.

EIN #: 93-1865889

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